Talk Human

We get so caught up in our marketing underpants that we use words we’d never use in normal conversation.

I’d like to talk about talking. Or rather, writing. Or speaking.

In other words… the words.

I think we’ve forgotten how to talk to each other.

Maybe not in person. But we do that less and less these days.

We text. And if we’re a brand trying to make it in this crazy, topsy-turvy world, we write.

Badly, most of the time.

Not because we don’t know how to talk to people, but because we forget that’s what we’re doing.

We get so caught up in our marketing underpants that we use words we’d never use in normal conversation.

We let our Strategory™ get in the way.

And our customers can’t hear our message above the alarm bells ringing in their heads.

Or worse—and much more likely—they just move on.

So, I wanted to give you a few things to keep in mind.

Start by forgetting the corporate buzzwords and industry jargon. Imagine you're having a coffee with a friend—in real life—not presenting to the board. That's the tone you want.

Here’s the rest:

Know Your People:

  • Who are you talking to? Techies, traditionalists, young, old?

  • What makes them laugh? What references will hit home?

  • Tailor your language to them, not some imaginary ideal customer.

Be Real, Not a Robot:

  • Write like you talk, but maybe a bit more polished.

  • Use contractions, short sentences. Keep it snappy.

  • Let your brand's personality shine through. Playful? Serious? Quirky? Own it!

Clarity Trumps Cleverness:

  • Don't try to be the smartest person in the room. Be the clearest.

  • If your grandma wouldn't get it, rewrite it.

  • Get feedback from real people. Does it make sense? Is it engaging?

Edit Ruthlessly:

  • Every word earns its keep. If it's not adding value, cut it.

  • Aim for impact, not word count.


  • Consistency is key: Find your voice and stick with it.

  • Evolution is okay: Your voice might change as your brand grows, but stay true to your core.

  • Dare to be different: In a sea of sameness, authenticity stands out.

The Bottom Line:

It's simple: Talk to people, not at them. Be real, be clear, be you.

Now, lace up yer keyboard, go out there, and build some lasting connections!

What’s next: If you're ready to explore your business's uniqueness and discover tailored, effective branding strategies, let's connect. Schedule a free 60-minute consultation call.

Brad Gantt

I help businesses grow through branding that is unignorable to their ideal audience.

Like that rut you’re in? Don’t read this.


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