Why not getting what you want is a good thing.

When it comes to branding, we often fall into the same trap. We think about our wants.

Let’s talk about not getting what you want. 😩

When it comes to branding, we often fall into the same trap. We think about our wants: specific colors, the aesthetics we drool over, and logos we love because they’re oh-so-pretty. But what we want isn’t always what’s best for our brand.

It’s a bit like planning a road trip. You might want to take the scenic route with all the quirky roadside attractions, but if the goal is to actually reach your destination on time, sometimes you need to hop on the highway and skip the world's largest ball of twine.

And, I’ll let you in on a secret: that’s actually a good thing.

Wants vs. Outcomes

Here’s the thing: As much as we’d love for our brand to be all about us (cue spotlight, jazz hands), it’s not. Your brand is for your clients and customers. It’s about how they feel when they encounter it, how it positions you in the market, and ultimately, what action you’d like them to take.

So while we’re obsessing over that perfect shade of teal or whether the logo should feature a bird or a bicycle (or both—because we’re wild like that), we might be losing sight of the bigger picture: the outcome.

The Role of Your Branding Partner

This is where your branding partner (that’s us!) comes in. Instead of dictating every pixel or hex code, try communicating the outcome you hope to achieve. How do you want people to feel when they first see your brand? What do you want them to do next? What does success look like for you in the wild world of business?

Your branding expert’s job isn’t just to give you what you want; it’s to help you get what you need. We translate your goals, values, and vision into visuals, words, and experiences that speak to your audience. The result? A brand that’s not only beautiful but effective. It connects, it communicates, it works.

Three Takeaways for the Road

1. Outcome > Aesthetics: Start by thinking about where you want to land in the market, not just what looks cool on a website.

2. Communicate the Experience: Instead of focusing on specifics like colors or fonts, talk about the feeling you want your audience to have.

3. Trust the Process: Let your branding partner do their thing. They’re not just picking pretty pictures—they’re creating a strategic, thoughtful expression of your business.

The Bottom Line

It’s okay not to get everything you want in the branding process. In fact, it’s probably for the best. Because in the end, what you need is a brand that reflects your values but speaks directly to your customers—and that’s where the magic happens.

So next time you’re tempted to argue over that shade of green, take a breath and ask yourself, “What do I want people to feel?” Then, let your branding partner work their magic.

Now go forth, be bold, and trust that not getting everything you want is sometimes the best thing that can happen to your brand.



What’s next: If you're ready to explore your business's uniqueness and discover tailored, effective branding strategies, let's connect. Schedule a free 60-minute consultation call.

Brad Gantt

I help businesses grow through branding that is unignorable to their ideal audience.


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