Branding isn’t that important to new businesses?

When it comes to restaurants and food trucks, branding isn't the most important thing. It's not even in the top 3.

Let’s talk about tacos. 😋

I was chatting with a client the other day when I dropped a nugget that made them do a double-take: branding isn't that important to new businesses.


Let's use food trucks vs. restaurants as an analogy.

When it comes to restaurants and food trucks, branding isn't the most important thing. It's not even in the top 3. They are, in order: the food, the food, the food.

If you have an amazing Korean short rib taco for example… just one item that truly knocks people's socks off, you can have an insanely successful food truck. So successful that people will follow you all over town and stand in stupidly long lines to eat your food.

Compare that to a beautifully designed restaurant with a great sign and custom menus serving just okay food. People may go once for the ambiance, but they probably won't be back.

Now, I know what you're thinking - "But I don't sell tacos!" Hold that thought, because this applies to your business too.

All businesses have an equivalent for "food". It's the thing you do. What you make or provide. And especially as a new business, your priority should be nailing your "recipes" rather than nailing your brand.

Because, and here's the secret, what you do and how you do it is your brand.

You could call your place Linda's Accounting, and your logo could be in the most boring typeface, but if you completely crush accounting, and help your clients in the most "Linda" way possible, you're building a great brand.

All the colors, logos, and clever headlines pale next to being really damn good at what you do. And if you're in it for someone or something other than yourself… look out world! You're gonna be a star.

I get it. You've poured your heart and soul into your business idea, and you want it to look perfect from day one. But trust me on this one...

Before you get too excited about the perfect shade of teal for your website or office, make sure you've nailed your recipe. Give it some time. Hang up a boring sign and get crazy good at helping people as only you can.

I'd wait in line for that.



So, what's your 'Korean short rib taco'? Drop me a line and tell me about the one thing you do that knocks people's socks off. I'd love to hear about it - and who knows, maybe I'll end up in line for your business next!

What’s next: If you're ready to explore your business's uniqueness and discover tailored, effective branding strategies, let's connect. Schedule a free 60-minute consultation call.

Brad Gantt

I help businesses grow through branding that is unignorable to their ideal audience.

Purpose, vision, and why the heck we need both.


Why not getting what you want is a good thing.